Worship Ministries

Worship assistants are recruited by the Worship and Music Ministry Team. They are scheduled by the Administrative Assistant, but are free to switch Sundays with others in the event of scheduling difficulties. Call Christine Gibler at the church office for more information.

Greeters and Ushers

These important people do far more than hand out bulletins and collect the offering. They are the ministers of welcome and hospitality, greeting worshipers and making visitors feel at home. If you like meeting people, if you enjoy sharing your smiles and handshakes with others, then this may be just the way for you to serve at First Lutheran.


Our Sunday School and Confirmation students serve as acolytes, lighting the candles for our worship and assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion. This is one of the first ways young people learn to serve in the church. Training is offered periodically whenever young people reach the age for this ministry.


Each worship service includes lessons from the Bible. If you don’t mind standing up in front of a group and communicating with them, you could be an important part of our worship in this way.

Assisting Ministers

Many parts of our liturgy are led by the Assisting Minister, including the Psalmody and most of the prayers in the worship service. The Assisting Minister also distributes Holy Communion with the pastor and sends the congregation into the world to minister as the Body of Christ.

Altar Guild

This “behind-the-scenes” ministry is nevertheless indispensible. We could not have a worship service without those who care for the paraments and banners, the candles, the Communion elements and vessels and so on. If you enjoy setting tables with a flair or decorating, this might just be the ministry for you. A team of people serve in this capacity for a month at a time.

Musicians and Singers

The Choir provides music at our traditional worship service. As opposed to the every-week-robed-choir-in-the-chancel, this group is more informal and offers anthems every few weeks. The Choir focuses on singing music relevant to the worship service that the members enjoy. Many different individuals and groups offer special music in our worship services. Soloists, duets, quartets and instrumental ensembles all offer their music to God in praise and thanksgiving. Even our youngest musicians offer praise from their hearts. We do not focus on perfection, but rather on making a joyful noise to the Lord in a pleasing and uplifting way. If you would like to offer your musical talent in this regard, see Pastor Nord.

First Communion Preparation

Each year in Spring we offer First Communion instruction to students who are ready to accept the sacrament of Holy Communion. Pastor Nord handles the “theological” portion of the instruction, but students work with their families for at home, completing a series of readings and a personal project that helps them express what Communion means to them. These projects are shared with the congregation during worship on First Communion Sunday, when the students receive Holy Communion for the first time. The students also receive a special Bible on this day, presented to them by the Sunday School.

Confirmation Sunday

At the conclusion of their eighth-grade year in Confirmation Class, students make a public Affirmation of Baptism during worship on Confirmation Sunday. They also choose a scripture verse that is important to them and share it with the congregation. Their families, mentors and friends all gather with them at the altar rail for the Laying On of Hands and then receive Holy Communion from them – their first act as an adult minister in the church. They receive a Bible and a Confirmation Cross to commemorate this special day. A reception is held following the worship service in honor of the Confirmands, during which they are served by the seventh-grade class members.